Thursday, February 25, 2010

Power of the audience...

So, today was an amazing example of the power of the web and more so the power of a real audience. I have only been blogging for a couple of weeks. Don't really have an "audience" yet as I haven't been particularly public about my blog, at least not until today...

I found myself frustrated as I have been grappling with a tool, Glogster to be specific, for some time now. I love the tool but keep running up against the same wall when I try using it with my own students and helping teachers to use it. I have spent too much time trying to figure out how to "get around" the problem since I can't get through it. I couldn't find a forum on their website or any real way to contact them but I knew I couldn't just complain and do nothing.

Today, about five hours ago I blogged  about it in Glogster are you listening... Then, I tweeted it. Just the title and the link. I wondered if anyone from glogster might catch it. Within two and a half hours, I had a comment back from them.

This is the power of an audience.

I hope that they will in fact take my issues with their tool under consideration thus making the .edu version as embed friendly as the regular version.

Most importantly what I have learned is that it is possible to affect change, or at least a response, by using our voices. There is an audience for all of us.

Thank you glogster, for listening...

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